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Daily Thought
"The message is not so much in the words as in the spaces between the words, in the silences, in how it is said. Communication exists only once it has been received and understood by someone else." - Meg Wheatley
Let’s Discuss
We text. We email. We DM, post...easy.
But talk?
Phone calls now make us anxious.
The phone provides no buffer.
Texting allows us to be careful, crafted, & diplomatic—we can edit out our vulnerabilities. If we make mistakes over text, we blame the glitchy tech.
Talking on the phone risks authentic human interaction. Talk forces us to deal with tone, timing, pauses—the messy back-and-forthness of conversation leaves our soft spots exposed.
We avoid real talk to hide behind stilted texts.
Yet this buffering comes at a cost:
Nuance gets lost
Misunderstandings multiply
We feel distant, disconnected
So challenge yourself: Risk some authenticity.
The next time you default to hiding behind a text...
Ask yourself: Why not just pick up the phone instead?
Feel their personality. Hear their voice. Build understanding.
Don't just continue conversations. Start them.
Call someone.