Entrepreneurs, Your Real Masterpiece is the People You Shape
Imagine building a skyscraper. A monstrous structure that towers over the city. Sounds impressive, right? Now, let's flip the script.
Pablo Picasso once shared, "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."
He didn't mean a gift with a shiny bow. He meant the gifts we all carry inside us.
So, let's talk business, your business.
Sure, Elon Musk's name is tied to Tesla and SpaceX. But isn't it his audacity to dream bigger that keeps us talking?
Then there's Steve Jobs. The iPhone was cool, sure. But it was his rebellious belief in the power of design that turned heads.
Products evolve. Companies rise and fall. But people? They remember.
Your business is your stage, yes. But the people you inspire? That's your audience.
Look at Sara Blakely, Spanx's creator. She didn't just make money. She became a beacon for aspiring women entrepreneurs.
Her tale, a bedtime story of hope. Her aid, a ladder for others to climb.
You can't fill your coffin with cash. But the ripple effect of your influence? That can outlive any tombstone.
The wise Maya Angelou painted it beautifully, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Your legacy isn't your bank balance or your company's logo.
It's the hope in the eyes of those you uplift.
Pause on this the next time you consider your legacy.
Reflect on it when you need to make a tough call.
Are you as an entrepreneur only raising buildings, or are you shaping the skyline?
Your response will whisper in the wind long after your company's banner might have vanished.
Your legacy isn't a product, a patent, or a profit margin.
Your real legacy is every life you brighten, every heart you touch, and every person you lift on your way up.