A wise mentor once told me, "To master a craft, spend 10,000 hours doing what everyone else does, and another 10,000 doing what they won't."
People are obsessed with shortcuts. With life hacks. With overnight success.
Guess what? It's a mirage.
Silicon Valley wants you to believe that the next 20-year-old made billions overnight. The reality? Decades of knowledge compressed into youthful exuberance.
"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." - Pelé
You've heard of the 10,000-hour rule. But have you heard of the 10,000 hours before that?
It's the gritty, boring bit. The prelude to mastery.
Dive into the past of any mogul. Bill Gates. Serena Williams. J.K. Rowling. The story's the same.
Silent nights. Hours on repeat. Seeming failures.
Every. Single. Time.
"But what about luck?" Luck might get you the first glance. Diligence keeps you in the room.
Remember the movie Whiplash? The young drummer didn't want to be just great. He wanted to be one of the greats. The distinction? Bleeding hands. Sleepless nights. The relentless grind.
You don't need magic pills. You don't need secret potions.
All you need is a room. A passion. And the sheer will to outwork your yesterday.
Sprinters get the spotlight. But it's the marathon runners who get the medals.
The media celebrates the 0.01%, not because they're inherently special, but because they've done what 99.99% won't.
It's not glamorous. But it's true.
Endgame? The key to the kingdom isn't in hacking the system.
It's in embracing the monotony, mastering the mundane, and marking hours into mastery.
There's no shortcut to the top. Just one route, often walked alone. The path of perseverance, persistence, and passionate work. That's how the 0.01% make it. That's how dreams manifest.