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Ever felt that rush when someone says, “Great job”? Or that swelling pride when your efforts are spotlighted?
It's not just a feeling. It's our innate human yearning. We want to be seen, to be recognized.
Companies rise and fall, but those who master the art of acknowledgment?
They last forever.
Take Apple. They didn't just sell tech. They made their users feel innovative, different, part of a select club.
Or Starbucks. It's not just coffee. It's your name on a cup, a space where you belong.
But what if your product isn't inherently 'special'?
Here's the secret : It's not always about the product itself.
Even if your product doesn't sparkle or isn't the next shiny object, Your commitment to every person that interacts with your business should.
Craft a community. A space where customers feel they're part of something bigger, something exclusive.
Your service? Make it impeccable. Ensure every interaction, every query, every grievance is handled with genuine care.
And commitment. Ah, commitment. Never underestimate its power. The promise of standing by your offering, your word, your customer?
That's gold.
So, what's the billion-dollar business idea?
Make people feel significant.
But here’s the twist: You can't fake it.
People know when you're checking boxes. They sense when it's genuine.
You see, validation isn't just about saying "good job." It's about understanding why the job was good in the first place.
Think of the Michelin Star restaurants. It's not just about the food. It’s the story, the experience, the acknowledgment that you’re partaking in something unparalleled.
Consider this: Most ads today aren't selling products. They're selling identities, feelings, memberships.
Why? Because they've tuned into something profound.
Your wallet opens not just for the product, But for how it, or its brand, makes you feel.
“You matter.” Three simple words, yet so underutilized.
As Maya Angelou once mused, “...people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
If you're entering the business world, Or scaling new peaks, Remember this:
You're not just offering a service or a product.
You're granting validation.
Turns out, the most lucrative currency isn't gold or Bitcoin.
It's acknowledgment.
So, entrepreneurs and magnates, as you chase after the next big thing,
Will you merely satisfy a need, or will you make your customers feel seen?